Chemical Resine S.a.s. started own activity in the years 1950’s dealing with the articles for the upholstery, but in the following years have changed the activity from commercial to industrial and developed the fabricating and processing of polyurethane foams, initially for the realization of padding in the furnishings industry.
In the 1970’s evolved the processing of resin foam into the production of raw flexible polyurethane blocks.
Nowadays Chemical Resine is presenting versatile high quality products on the market, classified by following categories:
- F structural
- FE elastics
- FEE extra elastics
- GRF highly solid
- RC retardate combustion
- HR high resilience
These products have various densities, ranging from 18 Kg/m3 a 40 Kg/m3, everyone with different physical and mechanical properties, in order to satisfy various market needs.
The production is furthermore characterized by processing of the polyurethane, which is transformed from raw blocks into: sheets, mattresses, rolls, bands, strips, etc., by special cutting lines completely computerized.
The products of the Chemical Resins are furthermore distinguished on the market by the following brands:
 |  |  |
® foam padding | ® foam with high resilience | ® expanded foam antifungal ® – anti-bacterial |
The corporate objective is to supply a top quality product that meets customer needs through continuing improvement of industrial synergies and ongoing research with introduction of new technologies accessible on the market.